SharePoint Servers with underscores. Trouble ahead.
SharePoint_Server_Name = Trouble_Ahead I recently had a friend of mine ask for some SharePoint 2013 troubleshooting help. It seemed that the server was running fine (Single Server Farm) but trying to configure a Secure Store Target Application for Excel Services that was causing grief. The error message was "Your session has expired. Restart this wizard to continue." The Correlation ID has a few errors, but one in particular stated "_admin/sssvc/ managetargetapplicationinstanc e.aspx' doesn't match the Page '_admin/sssvc/ managetargetapplicationfields. aspx" which in itself is not very useful. But looking more into that error and noticing the server name is sharepoint_dev a light went on and a feeling of dread for said friend. SharePoint doesn't like underscores in server names, especially service apps on a single server farm where Central Admin is using the server name as the URL. You have two options really. You c...