
Over the years I have spent countless hours trying to find solutions to different problems or bugs in SharePoint. I'm thankful that I've had the opportunity to provide these solutions for many different companies in need.

What I'm not thankful for is that one power user in each company tends to find the little annoyances in SharePoint that drive me crazy. Things that have always annoyed me, things that I have to continually find a workaround for. That is why I created this blog. There has to be others out there that need this same information, that aren't SharePoint Developers, but SharePoint Administrators that need better information.

I'm not saying the information already out there isn't good, it's usually just poorly organized. Sometimes it is just really poorly written. And lastly I have seen many posts that are technically correct, but just don't follow through with a good solution that others can easily digest.

I'm also going to spend some time on SharePoint acceptance. Not governance, not training, but acceptance. If you want governance, Microsoft has done that quite well. What I want to address is the process at which point a company goes about using SharePoint in everyday business processes. The pitfalls you may run into when despite your best efforts, those companies treat SharePoint like nothing more than a place to link to files on a file share or don't understand what it can do to save them work hours.

Stay tuned, posts are coming fast and furious.

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