My Site link back to the Portal

Sometimes I’m just baffled by how SharePoint makes the simplest of things so difficult. Case in point is the lack of a link back to your SharePoint portal from your My Site. Why?

Well, the SharePoint structure isn’t apparent to the average end user. They don’t know that each My Site is a separate Site Collection, but why do we need to punish them (and their laziness) and make it difficult to get back the portal?

This can be solved various ways. Some tedious, some simple. This is the simplest way I have seen to do it.

  1. Launch the Central Administration URL.
  2. Go to the Shared Service Provider site specific to the My Sites (if you have more than one)
  3. Under “User Profiles and My Sites” select “Personalization site links”
  4. Add a New Item
  5. For the URL enter your Portal address, including the Default.aspx page
  6. Add a “#” symbol at the end. Enter a description and owner and your set.

What does the # symbol do? It tells your browser to ignore anything after it. This is important because if you don’t, the Portal page will be displayed with a personal view and with My Site navigation links on the top.

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